Monday, January 2, 2017

KME1001 Envision by Colorado Artist Kit Hevron Mahoney (3x5" encaustic abstract with inks)


A very Happy New Year to everyone!
I have been cleaning out my home studio to make room for new ideas and creations for 2017.
This is a favorite that was saved to use as reference for other paintings. Now it is time it to find a new home.
The price is reduced on this little gem from $75 to $35.
This painting was created intuitively using fluid acrylics and applying encaustic to the surface. As with all of my works, it is a one of a kind for the intuitive process is totally unpredictable and I use different techniques and materials on each.

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“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”
Scott Adams