Thursday, October 22, 2009
KM2402 Ever Changing (butterfly oil painting from nature)
This painting was painted for A fundraiser, "ONE HUNDRED ANGELS" for The Butterfly Program which is a Children's Hospice International Program for All-Inclusive Care for Children and their Families. It will be in a show where proceeds of the sale go to this important program at our newest gallery on Gaylord St. - Arts at Denver. The show from more than 50 artists hosts original works inspired by butterflies or angels and runs November 6 - 21.
Opening Reception at Arts at Denver on Friday, November 6, from 5 to 8 pm
If you are in town, stop by for this show and Brushstrokes opening reception of "Artist's Focus". It is going to be a grand show, I will be showcasing work inspired from my recent trip to China! I will send more info next week on our wonderful show.
Please email me if you are interested in purchasing this painting.
It is $850 sized 10"x8" framed.
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