Friday, June 20, 2014

The Journey Home Solo Show Kit Hevron Mahoney (fine art abstract and representational oil and acrylic paintings)

I am one day away from my solo show at Brushstrokes. It has been an exciting and challenging journey to create a body of works, both abstract and representational. I chose to do a series of paintings from a photo trip taken last October, ostensibly to the National Parks in Utah. However, the government shutdown foiled that plan but my friend Pat and I were not to be deterred and found some of the most beautiful scenes outside of the parks. My representational works are based on what we found and photographed.
My venture into the abstract paintings is on ongoing venture where I start with a photo reference or still life floral but soon let the painting take the lead. This intuitive process is done in acrylic where I feel I can experiment with lots of different substrates in addition to the paints themselves.
If you live in Denver, please stop by Brushstrokes Studio-Gallery tomorrow and see what my journey has been!

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