Monday, March 9, 2015

KM3005 Lucious by Denver Colorado artist Kit Hevron Mahoney (24x36 oil, garden, poppies)

This is another commission that was painted for the new Banner Health being built in Fort Collins, CO. I am thrilled to have been commissioned to do 4 paintings for them. It is rewarding to have paintings placed where they are used to uplift.

Recently I was asked why I paint the subjects I am drawn to. After much thought I realize that my place in this world is to communicate the beauty of this world. I feel that is who I am as an artist. I have fought being a person that makes "pretty" pictures throughout my career and now realize that I want to add beauty, joy and positive energy to the world and not anything negative.

Poppy gardens and paintings are one of my signature subjects. Although we still have snow on the ground it is fun to anticipate spring being right around the corner here in Denver and all those poppies are getting ready for another season to inspire.

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