Sunday, March 17, 2013

KM2868 Standing Tall by Colorado Artist Kit Hevron Mahoney (40x20 Colorado landscape painting, aspen fall)

I have been busy painting for my new gallery in New Buffalo Michigan.
This is a Colorado fall scene painted in oil on a 40"x20" gallery wrap canvas.
Lately, I seem to be drawn to doing the tall vertical paintings. I don't know why it seems I find myself doing a majority of vertical compositions and then go through spells of nothing but horizontals.
I would love to know the psychology of what is going on inside that draws me to one or the other! If you are interested in purchasing this painting please contact Gene at the Courtyard Gallery  I am very excited to be a part of this beautiful gallery and artists showing there.

See more paintings on my blog
Visit my website
Daily Painters of Colorado

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