Thursday, July 31, 2014

KMA2974 Unfolding by Colorado fine artist Kit Hevron Mahoney (10x10, acrylic, abstract floral still life painting)

This still life abstract painting was created using layer upon layer of acrylic on a textured 1" panel board. It was created intuitively from memories of the many pastel floral still life paintings I created in pastels years ago. This is one of the abstracts shown last month in my solo show here at Brushstrokes Studio-Gallery in Denver, CO. I used complimentary colors of blues and oranges to create a real atmosphere with the darker background enhancing the poppy like flowers flowing out of the dark vase. These intuitive paintings do challenge me after the many years of painting from my photo reference where there is an end in sight!

10"x10" original acrylic on 1" panel board
$450 + $25 shipping and handling

See more paintings on my blog
Visit my website Daily Painters of Colorado

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